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David bought our home in June 2008.  We had been searching for months and, as soon as we saw this one and the neighborhood it was in, we knew this was the house for us.  It needed some work and we worked and we worked and made it so much better, for us.  


First thing we had to do was paint the walls in all but two rooms.  We had to do that before the carpeting was installed so we actually were in there painting before the closing.  


Then, we had to tackle the yard.  The lawn was in beautiful shape but, there were four trees too many and one was far too close to our front door so, they had to come down and professionals were hired for that job. But, the front flower bed needed to be redone and we wanted some curb-appeal so we dug-up those areas to plant bulbs for the spring and pansies in the fall, along with some rose bushes and flowering shrubs.  












The digging was one of the toughest jobs we have done here.  Nearly every time we put the shovel into the dirt we hit a rock and not just some little rock, these were more like small boulders and very hard.  We must have dug up about 200 rocks.  We filled the bed of our pick-up truck and had to haul them away.  But, all that sweat and blistered hands paid off.  Now, we have some of the prettiest, soft dirt you will ever see and whenever we need to plant something or pull weeds we don't have such a hard time.  


There's still more to be done but, what house isn't in need of some work.  It's still the prettiest house on our little street and it's been our home for 5 years and it's been the only home most of our rescued dogs and cats have ever known.  


The thought of having to leave just because we've had a very bad year with a number of health problems that interfered with being able to work and we're financially broke right now and unable to make the house payment, well, it's a nightmare, to say the least.  It's also very frightening because we literally, have nowhere else to go and, even if we did, we have no way of getting there or of moving our furniture and belongings.  


We would have to walk out with nothing more than the clothes we are wearing and whatever could fit into a small bag.  We would have to put our two rescued kitties into the dog carrier with our Chihuahua and carry that in one hand and have each of our two large rescued dogs on a leash in our other hand and we would just have to walk until we couldn't walk any more and then just sit down.  


Truly, our biggest worry is what will happen to our beautiful and sweet animals if we have to leave our home.  It's a very scary thought.


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